Holiday Message from Terry 

December 20, 2019

On behalf of all of us at the Society of American Foresters, I want to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season and all the best for a rewarding and successful 2020. This is the time of year when many of us take stock of where we’ve been and where we hope to go in the year ahead. It’s also a time to give thanks to those who have helped us along the way.

I would like to share my sincerest thanks for you choosing to be an SAF member and helping to inspire me every day on why I too chose to become a forester and to lead SAF. Our work among and for trees and forests is what connects us.

As you reflect on 2019, take pride in knowing that your SAF membership has advanced forestry, inspired countless youth to consider forestry as a profession, and energizes our long-standing legacy of stewardship for generations yet to come.

I want you to know that we are here for you now and in the year ahead for information, resources, and community. This is your society. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any of our staff.

TGIF (Thank Goodness I’m a Forester) and happy holidays!

Terry Baker 
CEO, Society of American Foresters