Employer Support

We have provided tips and tools that can help your employer see the value AND return on their investment in your professional development.

The field of forestry is rapidly changing due to new technology and ground-breaking research. And these changes can drastically enhance your productivity. The SAF Convention is your opportunity to become aware of and to take advantage of these rapid changes in the profession so you can be a more productive professional for your employer.

Make Your Case

  • Outline specific events or sessions you want to attend and why.
  • Mention specific take-a-ways that you can apply to projects or programs.
  • Recommend that you deliver a presentation and sample materials to coworkers about what you learned.
  • Offer to attend specific sessions for those who cannot participate.
  • Provide a plan for who will cover for you while attending the Convention.
  • Suggest sharing a room to reduce lodging expenses.
  • Use the Convention website and the Convention brochure as supporting material.


Employer Justification Memo

Use this Sample Employer Memo to make an official request to attend.

Sample Employer Memo
(Microsoft Word Document)

Calculating ROI

We suggest using this outline to help justify your participation. Participating in the 2017 SAF National Convention will NOT be a vacation. With more than 300 sessions and 30 CFE credits available, you won’t have time for anything else. There will be unique technical field tours, a compelling plenary program, and a host of contemporary scientific and technical concurrent sessions.