Accreditation Matters - Students and parents

A college degree is the foundation for success. When you choose an SAF-accredited degree program, you are choosing wisely, because accreditation assures that a degree program has met standards set by the profession.

Earning a degree from an SAF-accredited program:

    • Verifies the quality of education you’ve received meets the standards of the profession.
    • Eases entry to the profession through licensure, registration, and certification.
    • Increases and enhances employment opportunities.

No matter which degree program option you choose—forest management, forest biology, urban forestry, watershed management, or some other natural resources-related discipline—SAF accreditation is an important indicator of commitment to quality. It is important to understand, however, that accreditation is not a ranking system.

In addition, it is important for prospective students to be wary of so-called “diploma mills”—educational institutions promoting forestry or other natural resources-related programs that, although they may lead to a “diploma” or “certificate,” do not lead to a “degree” as the term is defined by US Department of Education. Many government agencies provide information to parents and students about these institutions. To learn more about them, visit the following websites:

Federal Trade Commission
US Department of Education