
Global Forest Products Model

Global Forest Products Model
Global Forest Products Model
Joseph Buongiorno, Shushuai Zhu, Dali Zhang, James Turner, and David Tomberlin

The Global Forest Products Model (GFPM) is a dynamic economic equilibrium model that is used to predict production, consumption, trade, and prices of 14 major forest products in world markets. The model describes how world forests and their industries interact through international trade. This book provides a complete introduction to this widely applied computer model; it thoroughly documents the methods, data, and computer software of the mode and demonstrates the model’s usefulness in addressing international economic and environmental issues l. Six applications of the model show its usefulness in addressing international economic and environmental issues. The authors provide complete explanations on how to use the GFPM software, prepare the data, make the forecasts, and summarize the results with tables and graphs.

300 pages, hardcover. Academic Press, 2003.
Member price: 92.95